怎么变更公积金担保人 变更公积金担保人流程
怎么变化规律主动出击?\\r\\n 1,上升过程中成交量表现\\r\\n 一只个股在下跌周期结束后,就开始进入一个新的上升周期。通常个股的上升过程会以五浪运行,包括三个上升浪和两个···
Most Active
The stocks on an exchange that had the highest volume over a given period. The most common time period used is a single trading day. Generally, most-active sto···
Active Box
This refers to the physical location in a brokerage where securities are kept. These securities are usually held as collateral for customers' margin positions.···
active market
economically active person
economically active population
active trading
active partner
Active Income
英文名称:Active Income 中文名称:活动收入参加生产劳动或者为他人服务所得收入,包括薪酬、奖金、佣金等。···
Active Capital
英文名称:Active Capital中文名称:活动资本指生产资本中用于购买原料、燃料、辅助材料等劳动资料和用于购买劳动力的部分,包括全部可变资本和一部分不变资本。 eb1619e···
Active Assets
英文名称:Active Assets 中文名称:活动资产/有收益资产指在公司日常运作中经常使用,而且能够产生经济效益的资产。···
Active Risk
A type of risk that a fund or managed portfolio creates as it attempts to beat the returns of the benchmark against which it is compared. In theory, to generat···
Active Participant Status
Active-participant status is a reference to an individual's participation in an employer sponsored retirement plan. The plans which qualify include: 1. Qualifi···
Active Management
The use of a human element, such as a single manager, co-managers or a team of managers, to actively manage a fund's portfolio. Active managers rely on analyti···