债基成上半年新秀!REITs基金再添新兵,易方达陈皓获宣发渠道热捧,募资额超百亿 来源:市值风云 6月上证指数上涨6.66%,深证成指涨逾11%,创业板指涨超16%,大部分基金正逐步···
债基成资金“避风港” 农银金耀3个月、招商鑫诚等多只产品提前结束募集
◎记者 梁银妍 多只债基于近日提前结束募集,11月以来已有17只基金发布结募公告,其中14只为债券基金,比例超过八成。 11月8日,农银金耀3个月定开债券基金、招商鑫诚短···
养基笔记|从感性到理性 我的投资探索之路
编者按为积极响应证监会投保局“保护投资者合法权益 我们在行动”主题投教活动,中国证券投资基金业协会于2021年315期间联合华商基金等六家公募···
White's Rating
英文名称:White\'s Rating 中文名称:怀特等级怀特免税债券等级服务公司对市政债券的评级分类。···
White Elephant
英文名称:White Elephant 中文名称:白象费用超出其价值的物品,被称为“昂贵而无用之物”。···
White Paper
英文名称:White Paper 中文名称:白皮书1. 某些国家的政府或议会公开发表的重要文件,封面有其惯用的颜色,白色的叫白皮书;2. 公司为了推介计划中的货品或强调服务的···
White Collar
A working class that is known for earning high average salaries and not performing manual labor at their jobs. White collar workers historically have been the···
White Candlestick
A point on a candle stick chart representing a day in which the underlying price has moved up. Candlesticks will have a body and usually two wicks on each end.···
Three White Soldiers
A bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of the current downtrend. This pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlestick···
White Squire
Very similar to a "white knight", but instead of purchasing a majority interest, the squire purchases a lesser interest in the target firm. Taobiz explains Whi···
White Knight
A company that makes a friendly takeover offer to a target company that is being faced with a hostile takeover from a separate party. Taobiz explains White Kni···
White Castle建议在菜单上搭配鸡尾酒
White Label Product
A product manufactured by one company that is packaged and sold by other companies under varying brand names. The end product appears as though it is being mad···