
  • accrual basis accounting


    2022-01-05 12:44:09
  • accrual


    2022-01-05 12:44:37
  • Accrual accounting

      权责发生制会计(Accrual accounting)这种方法在确认收入和费用时,不考虑交易发生时有没有现金流的变化。比如,公司购买一项机器设备,要等到好几个月之后才支付现金,但会计师···

    2022-01-15 21:51:54
  • Ratable Accrual Method

    A method for determining when and how much income was earned over a period of time. The ratable accrual method can be used to compute the interest income for···

    2022-01-05 14:57:01
  • Accrual Factor

    目录 1应计因子 2Accrual Factor 应···

    2022-01-05 12:52:13
  • Accrual Method


    2022-01-05 12:52:23
  • Accrual Swap

    A form of discrete time-switch option in which the interest on one side accrues only if certain conditions are met. Payment of interest in the accrual swap occ···

    2022-01-05 15:46:46
  • Accrual Bond

    A bond that does not pay periodic interest payments. Instead, interest is added to the principal balance of the bond and is either paid at maturity o···

    2022-01-05 16:07:16
  • Accrual Rate

    The rate of interest that is added to the principal of a financial instrument between cash payments of that interest. For example, a six-month bond with intere···

    2022-01-05 16:07:20
  • Accrual Basis

    英文名称:Accrual Basis 中文名称:权责发生制会计核算中确定本期收益和费用的方法。凡是本期已经实现的收入和已经发生或应当负担的费用,不论其款项是否已经收付,都应作为当期···

    2022-01-05 14:05:57
  • 怎么算黄金分割点?黄金分割点的算法

      怎么算黄金分割点?黄金分割点的算法 万洲财经小编为您提供\\r\\n  把一根线段分为长短不等的a、b两段,使其中长线段的比(即a+b)等于短线段b对长线段a的比,列式即为a:(a+b)=b:a,其···

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    2021-08-16 23:07:06