
  • “谐音梗”的末日来了?微博出手了 将集中整治这些行为!


    2022-07-13 18:56:04
  • “谐音梗”式炒作当休矣


    2022-02-11 05:51:52
  • activity

    n. 活动;行动···

    2022-04-08 08:34:54
  • commercial activity


    2022-01-05 12:32:17
  • Passive Activity

    An activity from which you have the potential to profit but in which you do not physically participate. The income from rental properties is a good example of···

    2022-01-05 14:57:51
  • Passive Activity Loss Rules

    A set of rules that prohibits using passive losses to offset earned or ordinary income. Passive activity loss rules prevent investors from using losses incurre···

    2022-01-05 14:58:19
  • Activity-Based Budgeting - ABB

    A method of budgeting in which the activities that incur costs in every functional area of an organization are recorded and their relationships are defined and···

    2022-01-05 14:46:34
  • Private Activity Bond - PAB

    Tax-exempt bonds issued by or on behalf of local or state government for the purpose of providing special financing benefits for qualified projects. The financ···

    2022-01-05 15:52:10
  • Activity Ratio

    英文名称:Activity Ratio 中文名称:活动比率一项用以衡量企业运用资源有效程度的会计比率,如将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力、存货周转率、流动资本周转率。Acco···

    2022-01-05 14:04:42
  • Activity Based Management - ABM

    英文名称:Activity Based Management 中文名称:以活动为基础的管理指用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善企业的运营,指导企业有效地执行能创造价值的活动,消除和精简不能创造价···

    2022-01-05 14:05:11
  • Activity Based Budgeting

    英文名称:Activity Based Budgeting 中文名称:以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,根据活动和成本之间的关系进行资源配置。这种方法通过列举机构内各部门所有涉及成本的···

    2022-01-05 14:05:19
  • Activity Based Management

    英文名称:Activity Based Management 中文名称:以活动为基础的管理指用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善企业的运营,指导企业有效地执行能创造价值的活动,消除和精···

    2022-01-05 13:59:06
  • Activity Indicators

    英文名称:Activity Indicators 中文名称:经济周期活动指标在经济周期中,经济体所处阶段的指标,包括工业生产、设备利用率和零售额等。···

    2022-01-05 14:05:54
  • 中文传媒:公司充裕现金来自长期稳定的主营业务


    2022-04-14 19:14:11
  • 中文在线推出数字藏品平台“第五境面”


    2022-05-29 19:27:10