
  • 隐性变量法

    什么是隐性变量法   隐性变量法的基本思路是,将全要素生产率视为一个隐性变量即未观测变量,从而借助状态空间模型(state space model) 利用极大似然估计给出全要素生产率···

    2021-12-03 23:01:00
  • Alternative Minimum Tax - AMT


    2022-01-05 14:07:29
  • Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement - BATNA

    The course of action that will be taken by a party engaged in negotiations if the talks fail and no agreement can be reached. The term BATNA was coined by nego···

    2022-01-05 14:45:46
  • Alternative Investment Market - AIM

    A sub-market of the London Stock Exchange that permits smaller companies to participate with greater regulatory flexibility than applies to the main market, in···

    2022-01-05 16:40:40
  • Alternative Energy ETF

    An exchange-traded fund that invests in companies engaged in industries serving alternative energy production and research. Some companies found within alterna···

    2022-01-05 16:40:47
  • Alternative Investment

    An investment that is not one of the three traditional asset types (stocks, bonds and cash). Most alternative investment assets are held by institutional inves···

    2022-01-05 14:46:33
  • Alternative Trading System - ATS

    A trading system that is not regulated as an exchange, but is a venue for matching the buy and sell orders of its subscribers. Alternative trading systems are···

    2022-01-05 15:17:41
  • Alternative Order

    A combination order whereby two separate orders are entered on the same security. The execution of one order cancels the other.For example, if you purchased sh···

    2022-01-05 15:17:46
  • Alternative Risk Financing Facilities

    A type of private insurer that offers various types of coverage to both individuals and institutions. These insurers were originally created by groups of peopl···

    2022-01-05 15:12:21
  • AIM(Alternative Investment Market)

    英文名称:AIM(Alternative Investment Market) eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5···

    2022-01-05 13:59:10
  • 变化真不小!中央企业压减法人户数19965户 管理层级控制在5级以内 地方国企管理层级压缩在4级以内


    2022-03-01 18:23:26
  • 变化频度策略

    什么是变化频度策略  变化频度策略是指在广告周期里用各天广告次数不等的办法来发布广告。变化频度策略的适用性[1]  变化广告频度可以使广告声势适应销售情况的变化。···

    2022-02-16 01:47:23
  • 大变化!券商财务顾问评级迎修订 突出质量导向 采取“一票否决”!利好这些券商

      时隔九年,券商财务顾问评级指引迎来修订。  券商中国记者从投行人士处求证获悉,中国证券业协会于2月中···

    2022-02-23 16:57:51
  • 在变化的市场中寻找不变的规律

    在变化的市场中寻找不变的规律\\r\\n  股市之中没有什么东西是绝对的,一切都充满了变数,这是颠扑不破的真理,而变数中最大的不变,就是总有人从变数中找到机会。本周一,融资融券和···

    2021-12-19 23:40:24
  • 变化区间过大时汕头期货网上开户人是否加仓操作能获得回报


    2021-09-03 05:30:35