股票市场有很多种分类,也有很多种股票,比如普通的a股和价格较低的st级加工股票。科技股因其较低的价格和较低的当日波动指数而受到投资者的青睐。 st啥···
有意思的时间轨道? 由设计师Evan Yiwei Ma设计的一款简洁时尚的手表,一眼就能看出它独特的地方是手表中间为楼空,使得表盘成环状。你既可以把这款手表当着电子表也能当着指···
st什么意思 股市中预警退市却成热点
lp什么意思?它的英语全称为Limited??Partnership(LP)中文翻译为有限合伙。经常和lp一起出现的“GP”两者要怎么区分? GP它的英语全称为 general Partner,说···
american express是什么卡呢?
american express是美国运通卡,标有american express代表该信用卡是美国运通与银行合作发行的,美国运通公司是国际信用卡组织,第一张American Express(运通卡)是在1958年发行的,截···
american express是双币卡么
不是,american express意为美国运通,美国运通公司是国际信用卡组织,标有american express代表此张信用卡是美国运通和银行合作发行的,但并不代表此卡是双币卡,也有可能是美元单···
American Option
美式期权 (American Option)An option that can be exercised anytime during its life. The majority of exchange-traded options are American. Since investors have t···
ADS(American Depository Share)
英文名称:ADS(American Depository Share) 中文名称:美国存托股份外国公司在美国本土交易所上市的股票,由美国的存托银行根据存托协议发行,是美国存托凭证所代表的···
American Council Of Life Insurance
An association of American life insurance carriers based in Washington D.C. The American Council of Life Insurance deals with legislation on all levels of gove···
Alliance Of American Insurers - AAI
A coalition consisting primarily of property-casualty insurance carriers. The Alliance of American Insurers was formed in order to provide political clout for···
American Accounting Association - AAA
An organization that supports worldwide excellence in accounting education, research and practice. The American Accounting Association is the primary professio···
American Bankers Association - ABA
The American Bankers Association (ABA) is the largest banking trade association in the United States. Founded in 1875, the ABA represents banks of all sizes. T···
American National Standards Institute - ANSI
An organization that oversees the creation and dissemination of norms and standards in almost every U.S. business sector. ANSI is also actively involved in the···