
  • Bag Holder

    An informal investment term used to describe an investor who holds a position in a stock which decreases in value until it is worthless. Typically, the bag hol···

    2022-01-05 14:46:01
  • Bag Man

    Any person in charge of organizing and collecting contributions to political parties or funds gathered for political reasons. These contributions may be legiti···

    2022-01-05 15:04:50
  • 指标发布在即 5月经济数据看点前瞻


    2022-06-15 14:18:24
  • 招标发行

    招标发行(issue by tender) 基本内容公开招标发行是指财政部通过招标方式向由资格的承销商发标,投标者中标后,视同投资购买性质,可按一定价格向社会再行出售。这是从1995年起我···

    2022-01-03 14:41:55
  • 指标发布在即 5月经济数据看点前瞻


    2022-06-16 10:01:09
  • 国标发布 电子烟行业迎来达标大考

      编者按   电子烟是一种新型烟草制品,以口味多样、科技环保和外观设计作为核心卖点并迅速流行。随着强制性···

    2022-04-28 10:21:26