Tax Benefit
A tax benefit is an allowable deduction on a tax return intended to reduce a taxpayer's burden while typically supporting certain types of commercial activity.···
benefit of contract
equitable benefit
accrued benefit
BCR(Benefit Cost Ratio)
英文名称:BCR(Benefit Cost Ratio) 中文名称:效益成本比率用于表示项目成本与效益之间关系的比率指标,效益成本比率越高,表示项目效益越好。计算方式:效益成本比率=净···
BCR(Benefit Cost Ratio)
英文名称:BCR(Benefit Cost Ratio) 中文名称:效益成本比率用于表示项目成本与效益之间关系的比率指标,效益成本比率越高,表示项目效益越好。计算方式:效益成本比率=净利润/总成本*10···
Benefit Allocation Method
The benefit allocation method is a means of funding a pension plan where a single premium payment is made in order to fund a single unit of benefit for a speci···
Benefit Offset
A reduction in the amount of benefit payments received by a member of a retirement plan which may result when the member owes money to the plan.A benefit offse···
Defined Benefit Pension Plan
英文名称:Defined Benefit Pension Plan 中文名称:养老金固定收益计划指雇主支持的养老金计划,雇员的养老金收益由一个公式计算出来,该公式考虑了雇员服务年限、工资或薪金水平···
Unit Benefit Formula
A method of calculating an employer's contribution to an employee's defined benefit plan. The employer calculates the contribution by multiplying an employee's···
Vested Benefit Obligation - VBO
The actuarial present value of pension plan benefits belonging to employees of an organization. The vested benefit obligation (VBO) is one measure of a pension···
Target-Benefit Plan
A benefit plan that is similar to a defined benefit plan since contributions are based on projected retirement benefits. However, unlike a defined benefit plan···
Pension Benefit Obligation - PBO
An accounting term used to describe the amount of money a company must pay into a defined-benefit pension plan to satisfy all pension entitlements that have be···
Flat Benefit Formula
A method of calculating an employer's contribution to an employee's defined benefit plan whereby the employer multiplies an employee's months of service by a p···