
  • Red Book

    英文名称:Red Book 中文名称:红皮书一国政府或议会正式发表的重要文件或报告书,各国按照习惯使用不同颜色的封面,红色的称为红皮书。通常是对已宣布措施的详细解···

    2022-01-05 13:22:09
  • cash book


    2022-01-05 12:08:08
  • account current book


    2022-01-05 12:22:02
  • Display Book

    A detailed tracking tool used on market exchanges that displays, records and executes market order data based on order type, price, time and quantity for a spe···

    2022-01-05 16:33:12
  • account book


    2022-01-05 12:45:11
  • Net Book Value

    英文名称:Net Book Value 中文名称:账面净值一般针对固定资产而言,指固定资产的原值减去已累计折旧后的余额。···

    2022-01-05 13:38:29
  • chronological book


    2022-01-05 08:52:06
  • BVPS(Book Value Per Share)

    英文名称:BVPS(Book Value Per Share) 中文名称:每股账面净值股东收益与公司已发行总股数的比率。计算方法:每股账面净值=(资产-负债)/公司已发行总股数。···

    2022-01-05 13:56:55
  • Book Building

    英文名称:Book Building中文名称:股票邀标定价法/累计投标/竞价投标eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5公司在首次发行股票时通过投资银行对机构投资者的调查和统计,确定发行价格···

    2022-01-05 14:03:45
  • banker's book


    2022-01-04 16:51:53
  • bank book


    2022-01-05 12:36:03
  • Public Book (Of Orders)

    A book containing all of the buy and sell orders for a specific security that are placed by the public. The public book is kept by an order book official or ot···

    2022-01-05 16:18:36
  • Book

    A record of all the positions that a trader is holding. This record shows the total amount of long and short position that the trader has undertaken. For examp···

    2022-01-05 15:17:24
  • Book Runner

    英文名称:Book Runner 中文名称:账簿管理人指负责证券发行、出售等相关行政工作的主承销商。···

    2022-01-05 13:58:13
  • Matched Book

    英文名称:Matched Book 中文名称:对应账簿"指在银行的资产负债表上,其资产与负债的期限结构基本是相同的。也指银行的借款利息支出与放贷利息收入水平大致相当。···

    2022-01-05 13:19:52