
  • 裤子耐湿摩擦色牢度不合格 这个轻奢品牌被处罚


    2022-11-03 18:12:09
  • 卖裤子的跑去炒股?九牧王:亏了…

      “男裤专家”九牧王,亏了!   4月25日晚,九牧王发布的财务报告显示,2021年净利下滑47.25%;2022年一季度亏损5746···

    2022-04-27 00:00:48
  • Dead Cat Bounce

    英文名称:Dead Cat Bounce 中文名称:死猫式反弹/超跌反弹技术分析用语。指价格持续暴跌后快速小幅反弹,这种情况下通常缺乏基本面因素支持,主因是技术面超跌。一般情况下,出现超···

    2022-01-05 14:01:30
  • Cover On A Bounce

    The covering of a short position after it has reached and bounced off a level of support. This strategy waits for the price to move to a support level, instead···

    2022-01-05 15:45:05
  • Cramer Bounce

    The sudden overnight appreciation of a stock's price after it has been recommended by Jim Cramer on his CNBC show, "Mad Money". This increase in price can be a···

    2022-01-05 16:34:44
  • Buy A Bounce

    A strategy that focuses on buying a given security once the price of the asset falls toward an important level of support. Traders who "buy a bounce" attempt t···

    2022-01-05 15:17:14
  • Bounce

    英文名称:Bounce 中文名称:强劲反弹通常指证券或商品的价格下跌到某一重要支撑价格后急剧回升的现象。e.g. Stocks bounced back and forth a day after concer···

    2022-01-05 13:58:28