官网更名、首个海外工厂落地 比亚迪出海加速
8月,比亚迪海外海外销售新能源乘用车5092辆,环比增长26.48%。 比亚迪正在加速向一家全球化汽车公司迈进···
英文名称:Bubble 中文名称:泡沫资产价格偏离实际的上涨,导致出现大幅逆转或崩溃的程度。e.g. Last week’s sudden reversal in the oil market1. An economic cycle characte···
Speculative Bubble
A spike in asset values within a particular industry, commodity, or asset class. A speculative bubble is usually caused by exaggerated expectations of future g···
Refi Bubble
A period during which old debt obligations are being replaced with newer obligations with different terms. A typical refi bubble usually occurs when homeowners···
Echo Bubble
A post-bubble rally that becomes another, smaller bubble. The echo bubble usually occurs in the sector in which the preceding bubble was most prominent, but th···
Tech Bubble
A pronounced and unsustainable market rise attributed to increased speculation in technology stocks. A tech bubble is highlighted by rapid share price growth a···
South Sea Bubble
One of the largest stock scams of all time. The U.K.-based South Sea Company's shares saw a huge appreciation based on rumor, speculation and false claims befo···
Bubble Theory
A school of thought that believes that the prices of assets can temporarily rise far above their true values and that these bubbles are easily identifiable. Fo···
Bubble Company
A company whose valuation greatly exceeds that suggested by its fundamentals. The first well-documented bubble company was the South Sea Company, which caused···
UK品牌全新升级 DGalaxy扬帆起航
原标题:UK品牌全新升级 DGalaxy扬帆起航UKEX Global平台已正式被DGalaxy数字对冲基金收购并完成相关手续工作,即日起将正式启用DGalax···