
  • capital revenue


    2022-01-05 12:32:02
  • Mortgage Revenue Bond - MRB

    A funding source for home mortgages. Mortgage revenue bonds help low- and middle-income first-time home buyers by offering long-term mortgages at below-market···

    2022-01-05 15:54:36
  • Revenue Seat Miles - RPM

    Also known as revenue passenger miles, RPM refers to how many seats were actually sold on an airline's flight. |||Simply put, a measure of an airline's revenue···

    2022-01-05 15:19:01
  • General Revenue Account [GRA]


    2022-01-05 12:32:30
  • Return On Revenue - ROR

    A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue. |||The ROR is useful in comparing the profitability of a company from···

    2022-01-05 15:19:16
  • Canada Revenue Agency - CRA

    Formerly known as "Revenue Canada", this is Canada's federal agency responsible for income tax and trade regulations. |||This is the Canadian equivalent of the···

    2022-01-05 15:31:21
  • General Revenue Account expenditure


    2022-01-05 12:38:30
  • Revenue Agent's Report - RAR

    Changes to an assessment after examination by an IRS agent. The changes are recorded on form 4549.|||This isn't always bad news. If you were over-assessed (ove···

    2022-01-05 15:19:19
  • Toll Revenue Bond

    A type of municipal bond used to build a public project such as a bridge, tunnel or expressway. The principal and interest repayments are supplied by revenues···

    2022-01-05 15:48:56
  • Deferred Revenue

    英文名称:Deferred Revenue 中文名称:递延收入在会计上按照“权责发生制”原则,将尚未取得而预收的,应在以后会计期间确认的收入称为递延收入。在会计上将这部分···

    2022-01-05 13:36:57
  • Operating Revenue

    Income derived from sources related to a company's everyday business operations. For example, in the case of a retail business, inventory sales generate operat···

    2022-01-05 16:21:07
  • Revenue Per User - RPU

    A ratio used to express the profitability of a company on a per-user basis. RPUs are calculated by taking overall revenue and dividing by total number of users···

    2022-01-05 15:19:44
  • Marginal Revenue


    2022-01-05 13:07:02
  • Revenue Ruling

    A decree issued by the IRS that essentially has the force of law. A revenue ruling outlines the IRS's interpretation of the tax laws and is binding on all IRS···

    2022-01-05 14:50:30
  • Revenue Agent

    A person who works for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) examination department. Revenue agents are usually responsible for (random) audits.···

    2022-01-05 14:50:39