
  • Sum Certain

    A legal description of the predetermined settlement price for a contract or negotiable instrument. This term refers to the stated final payment to be made at t···

    2022-01-05 14:12:43
  • Period Certain

    An annuitization-method option with which the annuitant selects a specific time period for which the annuity income payments will last. This is unlike the more···

    2022-01-05 14:17:29
  • certain

    adj. 固定的;可靠的···

    2022-03-30 15:04:21
  • Term Certain Annuity

    An insurance product that guarantees a periodic payment of a predetermined amount for a fixed term. Once the term has elapsed, these products are spent and off···

    2022-01-05 15:05:26
  • Certain And Continuous

    A type of annuity that guarantees a number of payments, even if the annuitant dies.If the annuitant passes away during the guaranteed period, a specified benef···

    2022-01-05 15:11:48
  • Date Certain

    A term identifying the date on/by which the specified actions of a contract can be reasonably completed. This date is important, as it is generally considered···

    2022-01-05 14:21:16
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  • 怎么辨别主力盘面对敲骗术呢?

    怎么辨别主力盘面对敲骗术呢?\\r\\n  对敲主要是利用成交量制造有利于庄家的股票价位,吸引散户跟进或卖出。那么,对敲的方式主要有几种呢\\r\\n  第一,建仓通过对敲手法来打压股···

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  • 怎么购买国外股票


    2021-12-03 10:16:05