用途 工序能力是表示生产过程客观存在着分散的一个参数。但是这个参数能否满足产品的技术要求,仅从它本身还难以看出。因此,还需要另一个参数来反映工序能力满足产品技术···
什么是产品/过程矩阵? 产品/过程矩阵是由威尔莱特和克拉克提出的沿着两个维度标准绘制的项目组合图,在该组合图中,纵轴表示产品发生各种变化的一系列可能,如产品的较小改进···
Red Chip
A company based in Mainland China that is incorporated internationally and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Red chip stocks are expected to maintain the···
n. 薄片;缺口;碎片\\nv. 削下;镌刻···
Blue Chip
A nationally recognized, well-established and financially sound company. Blue chips generally sell high-quality, widely accepted products and services. Blue ch···
Blue Chip Swap
When a domestic investor purchases a foreign asset and then transfers that asset to a domestic bank branch located offshore. Then, the funds from the foreign a···
Blue-Chip Stock
Stock of a well-established and financially sound company that has demonstrated its ability to pay dividends in both good and bad times. Taobiz explains Blue-C···