1. A protective options strategy that is implemented after a long position in a stock has experienced substantial gains. It is created by purchasing an out of···
Collar Option
利率上下限期权(Collar Option)利率上下限期权又称领子期权、双限期权或利率双限期权,是利率上限期权和利率下限期权的结合。···
White Collar
A working class that is known for earning high average salaries and not performing manual labor at their jobs. White collar workers historically have been the···
Zero Cost Collar
A type of positive-carry collar that secures a return through the purchase of a cap and sale of a floor. Also called "zero cost options" or "equity risk revers···
collar 期权,期权是怎么玩的,规则和条件?附图具体回答更好
Interest Rate Collar
An investment strategy that uses derivatives to hedge an investor's exposure to interest rate fluctuations. The investor purchases an interest rate ceiling for···
Blue Collar Trader
A trader who has another source of income, and does not trade as a means, but rather as a savings plan, or bonus, etc. This person typically does not trade in···