
  • Non-competitive Bid Auction

    英文名称:Non-competitive Bid Auction 中文名称:非竞争投标拍卖一般指为小额投资者所设的一种不用出价的竞标方式。非竞争投标者支付由竞争投标者决定的平均价···

    2022-01-05 13:22:03
  • Competitive Tender

    A method of distributing debt issues. Bids are submitted by primary distributors and those who bid the highest receive the debt issue. |||This is a method of d···

    2022-01-05 16:03:49
  • Competitive Bid

    英文名称:Competitive Bid 中文名称:竞标承销商向发行人递交保密投标书,发行人选择给出最佳条件的承销商,如发行价格最高、承销费用低等。···

    2022-01-05 14:01:54
  • competitive price


    2022-01-05 12:41:01
  • Competitive Advantage

    An advantage that a firm has over its competitors, allowing it to generate greater sales or margins and/or retain more customers than its competition. There ca···

    2022-01-05 16:35:34
  • Non-Competitive Tender

    One of the two bid processes for buying debt issuances. Non-competitive tender is for small investors, while competitive tender is for large institutional inve···

    2022-01-05 15:53:30
  • competitive edge


    2022-01-04 17:46:54