
  • Going Concern Value

    英文名称:Going Concern Value 中文名称:持续经营价值指公司满足持续经营条件时的资产价值。···

    2022-01-05 13:51:18
  • Going Concern

    A term for a company that has the resources needed in order to continue to operate indefinitely. If a company is not a going concern, it means the company has···

    2022-01-05 14:37:46
  • Going-Concern Value

    The value of a company as an ongoing entity. This value differs from the value of a liquidated company's assets, because an ongoing operation has the ability t···

    2022-01-05 14:37:59
  • concern

    n. 公司;关心\\nv. 涉及;使挂念···

    2022-04-02 23:24:36