期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?
每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。 1932年洛杉矶奥···
Contingent Value Rights - CVR
A type of right given to shareholders of an acquired company (or a company facing major restructuring) that ensures they receive additional benefit if a specif···
adj. 附带的;可能的\\nn. 分得部分;分遣队···
Contingent Order
英文名称:Contingent Order 中文名称:或有指令自己不能独立被执行,只有其他指令执行时才被执行的指令。···
Contingent Option
英文名称:Contingent Option 中文名称:或有期权指持有者行使权利时才需支付期权费用的期权。如果不行使权利,或有期权持有者的成本为零。···
Contingent Payment Sale
A type of installment sale in which either the price or payment period for the asset has not been fixed. Contingent payment sales entail a special set of rules···
Contingent Beneficiary
1. A beneficiary specified by an insurance contract holder who will receive the benefits if the primary beneficiary has died at the time the benefit is to be p···
Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)
A fee (sales charge or load) that mutual fund investors pay when selling Class-B fund shares within a specified number of years of the date on which they were···
Contingent Convertibles - CoCos
A security similar to a traditional convertible bond in that there is a strike price (the cost of the stock when the bond converts into stock). What differs is···
Contingent Immunization
A method of fixed income portfolio management, whereby managers are granted significant powers of control over the selection of products to be added and remove···
Contingent Credit Default Swap (CCDS)
A variation on the credit default swap (CDS). In a simple CDS, payment under the swap is triggered by a credit event, such as non-payment of interest. In a con···