n. 合同;合同法\\nv. 缩约;皱缩···
concession contract
benefit of contract
financial contract
Futures Contract
英文名称:Futures Contract 中文名称:期货合约"指承诺在未来某一时间以当前约定的价格买卖金融工具或实物商品的合同。通常,标准的期货合约中会规定商品的种类、···
Options Contract
One options contract represents one hundred shares in the underlying stock. The quoted price of an option is per share. The quoted price of a stock option must···
Contract Market
Any board of trade designated to trade a specific options or futures contract. Basically it's another word for "designated exchange". For example, the Chicago···
Contract Unit
The actual amount of commodities represented by a single futures contract.Different futures contracts have different contract units and measurements. For examp···
Contract Size
The deliverable quantity of goods or commodities underlying futures, forward and option contracts. Each contract will have a well defined contract size. For ex···
Assignable Contract
A futures contract with a provision permitting the contract holder to convey his or her rights of assignment to a third party. This enables the contract holder···
Independent Contractor
A self-employed taxpayer that controls his or her own employment circumstances, including when and how work is done. Independent contractors are not considered···
Annuity Contract
The written agreement between an insurance company and a customer outlining each party's obligations in an annuity coverage agreement. This document will inclu···
Forward Contract
A cash market transaction in which delivery of the commodity is deferred until after the contract has been made. Although the delivery is made in the future, t···
Eligible Contract Participant
A group or individual allowed to engage in financial transactions not open to retail customers. The Commodity Exchange Act outlines the requirements for eligib···
Spread-Load Contractual Plan
A fee-payment structure applicable to mutual funds in which the sales charge or commission (load) is not entirely paid at the time the investor first contribut···