
  • 搭配增资

    什么是搭配增资   搭配增资又称为“有偿与无偿并行增资”,是指股份公司向原股东分摊新股时,仅让股东支付发行价格的一部分就可获得一定数额股票的方式。   该发行方式是···

    2021-12-27 23:21:52
  • COGS(Cost of Goods Sold)

    英文名称:COGS(Cost of Goods Sold) 中文名称:已售商品成本"也称销售成本或主营业务成本,指公司生产和销售与主营业务有关的产品或服务所必须投入的直接成本,主要包···

    2022-01-05 13:29:31
  • cost-push inflation


    2022-01-05 12:49:36
  • clearance cost


    2022-01-04 20:37:13
  • Capital Cost Allowance - CCA

    A rate of depreciation used for income tax purposes only. This term primarily relates to Canadian taxation. |||The CCA rate that can be claimed depends on the···

    2022-01-05 15:31:06
  • Variable Cost

    A cost that changes in proportion to a change in a company's activity or business. Taobiz explains Variable CostA good example of variable cost is the fuel for···

    2022-01-05 16:08:19
  • cash cost


    2022-01-05 10:21:44
  • Opportunity Cost

    英文名称:OpportunityCost中文名称:机会成本简单的讲,可以理解为把一定资源投入某一用途后所放弃的在其他用途中所能获得的利益。机会成本(Opportunity Cost)···

    2022-01-05 14:07:01
  • Benefit Cost Ratio - BCR

    A ratio attempting to identify the relationship between the cost and benefits of a proposed project. |||This ratio is used to measure both quantitative and qua···

    2022-01-05 15:31:27
  • cost push


    2022-01-05 12:50:11
  • absorbed cost


    2022-01-04 18:07:02
  • Historical Cost

    英文名称:Historical Cost 中文名称:历史成本指公司取得资产时实际支付的成本,也称原始成本。···

    2022-01-05 13:37:05
  • Dollar-Cost Averaging - DCA

    The technique of buying a fixed dollar amount of a particular investment on a regular schedule, regardless of the share price. More shares are purchased when p···

    2022-01-05 16:33:01
  • Zero Cost Option

    英文名称:Zero Cost Option 中文名称:零成本期权"一种投资策略,指投资者购买一项期权时,同时卖出另外一项期权,两笔费用正好抵消。e.g. Enter bullish zero-cost o···

    2022-01-05 13:30:36
  • cost

    n. 代价;价钱\\nv. 价钱为;使付出···

    2022-04-04 10:44:19