adjusted current assets
Other Current Liabilities
英文名称:Other Current Liabilities 中文名称:其他流动负债指在一年内到期的,除短期借款、短期债券、应付账款、应付票据、应付工资、应付福利费、应付股利、预···
Current Ratio
英文名称:Current Ratio 中文名称:流动比率体现公司偿还短期债务能力的一项指标,由流动资产总额除以流动负债总额得出。···
Current Liabilities
英文名称:Current Liabilities 中文名称:流动负债指企业将在1年或超过1年的一个营业周期内偿还的债务合计,如短期借款、应付账款、应付税款等。···
Other Current Assets
英文名称:Other Current Assets 中文名称:其他流动资产指一个会计年度或期间内预期的非现金资产的价值,是资产负债表中的一个项目,包括已付费用和应收账款等。···
Current Price
英文名称:Current Price 中文名称:现价指交易所内证券的实时价格。e.g. This is about $4 a barrel lower than the cash price of high-sulfur gasoil in Sing···
Current Assets
英文名称:Current Assets 中文名称:流动资产企业资产中必不可少的组成部分,指企业在一年或一个营业周期内运用或变现的资产。包括现金、应收账款、库存、票据、可交易证券等。···
Current Account
英文名称:Current Account 中文名称:经常账户一个国家国际收支的主要组成部分,包括商品及劳务交易收支。区别于资本账户。The difference between a nation's total exports o···
Net Current Asset Value Per Share - NCAVPS
A value created by professor Benjamin Graham in the mid-twentieth century to determine if a company was trading at a fair market price. NCAVPS is calculated by···
Current Coupon
The to-be-announced (TBA) mortgage security of any issue for the current delivery month that is trading closest to, but not exceeding par value. TBA mortgage s···
Current Face
The current par value of a mortgage-backed security (MBS). Current face is determined by multiplying the current pool factor by the mortgage-backed security's···
Current Maturity
The interval between the present date and the maturity date of a bond. |||For example, in 2003, a bond that was issued in 2000 with a maturity date in 2010 wou···
Current Yield
Annual income (interest or dividends) divided by the current price of the security. This measure looks at the current price of a bond instead of its face value···
Current Income
The investment objective for a moderately conservative portfolio of securities or mutual funds that provides high dividend and annuity payments to satisfy an i···
Current Market Value - CMV
The resale valuation attached to a security held long in an investor's margin account. The current market value is usually taken as the closing price for liste···