
  • Package Deal

    An order that contains a number of exchange or deposit items that must be completed simultaneously, or not at all. Package deals allow traders to ensure specif···

    2022-01-05 16:20:24
  • Mega Deal

    From the Greek megas, meaning great, this expression refers to a business deal that entails a great deal of money. Mergers and acquisitions that involve substa···

    2022-01-05 14:34:46
  • Cram-Down Deal

    1. A situation in which a creditor is forced to accept undesirable terms imposed by a court during a bankruptcy or reorganization. 2. A merger or acquisition w···

    2022-01-05 14:40:47
  • Sweetheart Deal

    A merger, a sale or an agreement in which one party in the deal presents the other party with very attractive terms and conditions. The terms of a sweetheart d···

    2022-01-05 14:29:06
  • Club Deal

    A private equity buyout or the assumption of a controlling interest in a company that involves several different private equity firms. This group of firms pool···

    2022-01-05 14:44:01
  • Sticky Deal

    An issue of new securities that may present a selling challenge to an underwriter, usually because there's been some bad news about the issuing company or over···

    2022-01-05 14:29:35
  • Deal Slip

    A record of the essential details of a transaction entered into by a forex dealer. It is the primary source of record-keeping for a dealer. Deal slips are gene···

    2022-01-05 15:43:48
  • Deal Blotter

    A trader's record of all the transactions executed on a given day. The deal blotter contains basic information pertinent to a transaction, with additional info···

    2022-01-05 15:43:52
  • Deal Ticket

    A ticket that records all the terms, conditions and basic information of a trade agreement. A deal ticket is created after the transaction of shares, futures c···

    2022-01-05 16:34:17
  • Deal Limit


    2022-01-05 13:13:30
  • Bought Deal

    英文名称:Bought Deal 中文名称:包销/包买交易指承销商对发行人所发行的全部或部分证券买入,再转售给其他投资者。···

    2022-01-05 14:03:35
  • 品牌、营销等持续发力 法狮龙2022年上半年营收逆势同比增长43.24%


    2022-08-18 07:38:54
  • “品牌方执意要求” 高端甜品品牌LADY M将关店

      7月21日,高端甜品品牌LADY M中国内地运营方上海牧薪餐饮管理有限公司发布公告称,应品牌方要求,LADY M中国内地···

    2022-07-21 20:27:00
  • 品牌退出

    品牌退出 品牌退出指品牌已处于生命周期的晚期,不能在为企业增值,则企业放弃该品牌并使其退出市场的行为。 品牌退出主要的原因   品牌资产的来源枯竭,企业很难对品牌建···

    2022-02-22 10:38:52
  • 52个品牌、100多款车型优惠购 2022年全国新能源汽车下乡活动在昆山启动


    2022-06-17 20:29:12