
  • 短扣是什么意思?


    2021-08-17 03:28:40
  • 代扣是什么意思


    2021-08-16 01:08:04
  • 高折扣债券

    英语名字高折扣债券 Deep Discount Bond高折扣债券概念解析1. 出售价格相对面值有重大折扣的债券。 2.息票率远低于风险水平相近的定息证券当时利率,出售价格相对面值有重大···

    2022-01-03 07:52:23
  • 折扣定价策略

    什么是折扣定价策略   折扣定价是指对基本价格作出一定的让步,直接或间接降低价格,以争取顾客,扩大销量。 其中,直接折扣的形式有数量折扣、现金折扣、功能折扣、季节折扣,间···

    2021-11-29 03:50:26
  • 折扣店火了两三年 现在还能加盟吗?

      嗨特购变卦了。   宣称不加盟的折扣店嗨特购在2022年8月在放开了加盟,作为一个2021年才创立的品牌,嗨特购最···

    2022-09-21 10:23:30
  • 折扣的公式是什么,折扣和满减区分

      一、折扣的公式是什么  折扣的计算公式是商品的原价*折扣率=商品的折扣价,示例如下:  (1)例如,100元的原价有98%的折扣,并寻求折扣价格  折扣价为100*···

    2021-08-28 06:43:05
  • 无折扣法则

    命令不是廉价的处理品,只要是命令就应该让执行者触目惊心,认真对待,不得夭折。  提出者:英国剑桥大学经济学教授理查兹·肯特  点评:当任何人都不知道谁应负责的时候,责任···

    2022-03-09 05:44:13
  • 折扣店

      折扣店图片简介折扣店  折扣店是由综合大型超市(GMS)所经营的商品中挑选出更大众化、更实用的商品进行集中经营的大型自选店;是运用超级市场开发出来的销售技术、管理理···

    2021-12-10 09:06:26
  • ppmoney折扣连续下调!又一个套路!


    2021-08-16 21:05:18
  • Package Deal

    An order that contains a number of exchange or deposit items that must be completed simultaneously, or not at all. Package deals allow traders to ensure specif···

    2022-01-05 16:20:24
  • Mega Deal

    From the Greek megas, meaning great, this expression refers to a business deal that entails a great deal of money. Mergers and acquisitions that involve substa···

    2022-01-05 14:34:46
  • Cram-Down Deal

    1. A situation in which a creditor is forced to accept undesirable terms imposed by a court during a bankruptcy or reorganization. 2. A merger or acquisition w···

    2022-01-05 14:40:47
  • Sweetheart Deal

    A merger, a sale or an agreement in which one party in the deal presents the other party with very attractive terms and conditions. The terms of a sweetheart d···

    2022-01-05 14:29:06
  • Club Deal

    A private equity buyout or the assumption of a controlling interest in a company that involves several different private equity firms. This group of firms pool···

    2022-01-05 14:44:01
  • Sticky Deal

    An issue of new securities that may present a selling challenge to an underwriter, usually because there's been some bad news about the issuing company or over···

    2022-01-05 14:29:35