
  • Notice Of Deficiency

    A letter from the Internal Revenue Service that advises a taxpayer about delinquent taxes owed plus any penalties and interest. A notice of deficiency is somet···

    2022-01-05 14:58:30
  • capital deficit


    2022-01-05 12:38:32
  • Deficit

    英文名称:Deficit 中文名称:赤字指支出大于收入的差额,财务会计中常用红字表示这一差额,因此称为赤字。···

    2022-01-05 13:38:04
  • Trade Deficit

    英文名称:Trade Deficit中文名称:贸易逆差/入超 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 指一个国家在国际贸易中,贸易差额为负,与贸易盈余、贸易顺差或出超相对。 eb1···

    2022-01-05 13:49:51
  • Merger Deficit

    An accounting term used to describe the situation when the total value of the share capital used to purchase another company is less then the total value of th···

    2022-01-05 16:23:14
  • cash deficit


    2022-01-05 12:24:21
  • Structural Deficit

    英文名称:Structural Deficit 中文名称:结构性赤字指那些非政策性或常规的税收调整和支出变动引起的赤字。···

    2022-01-05 13:41:58
  • Deficit Financing

    英文名称:Deficit Financing 中文名称:赤字财政本质上说,赤字财政是一种财政政策,即在制定国家财政预算时,政府刻意实行预算支出大于预算收入的政策。···

    2022-01-05 13:51:43
  • Budget Deficit

    英文名称:Budget Deficit 中文名称:预算赤字指在预算中,支出超过收入的情况。···

    2022-01-05 14:04:43
  • Fiscal Deficit

    When a government's total expenditures exceed the revenue that it generates (excluding money from borrowings). Deficit differs from debt, which is an accumulat···

    2022-01-05 15:42:07
  • Actuarial Deficit

    The difference between future Social Security obligations and the income rate of the Social Security Trust Fund as of present. The Social Security program is s···

    2022-01-05 15:12:42
  • T+0和T+1是指什么?T+0和T+1的区别


    2022-03-09 23:51:02
  • 4月份CPI和PPI同比分别上涨2.1%和8.0% 通胀整体温和可控


    2022-05-12 00:51:40
  • 300397天和防务涨停原因,公司降低股权质押率


    2021-08-30 06:20:02
  • Grateful Dead和Nike联手打造了三款运动鞋

    这里有一些运动鞋绝对可以帮助您继续前进。Grateful Dead和Nike联手打造了三款运动鞋,上面印有湾区乐队的跳舞熊角色和其他乐队肖像。Nike SB Dunk Low Grateful Dead运动鞋···

    2021-08-21 08:09:14