
  • NDF(Non-deliverable Forward)

    英文名称:NDF(Non-deliverable Forward) 中文名称:无本金交割外汇远期一种离岸金融衍生产品,交易双方基于对汇率的不同看法,签定非交割远期交易合约,确定远期汇率、···

    2022-01-05 13:51:13
  • Cheapest to Deliver - CTD

    The least expensive underlying product that can be delivered upon expiry to satisfy the requirements of a derivative contract. |||Certain derivative products p···

    2022-01-05 15:29:48
  • Failure To Deliver

    An outcome in a transaction where one of the counterparties in the transaction fails to meet their respective obligations. When failure to deliver occurs, eith···

    2022-01-05 15:42:44