Display Book
A detailed tracking tool used on market exchanges that displays, records and executes market order data based on order type, price, time and quantity for a spe···
Manager Universe(Benchmark)
英文名称:Manager Universe(Benchmark)中文名称:管理人基准比较具有代表性的优秀基金经理群体的业务标准,通常用来分析基金经理的业务表现。e.g. The country's benchmark bond,···
Manager Universe
英文名称:Manager Universe(Benchmark)中文名称:管理人基准比较具有代表性的优秀基金经理群体的业务标准,通常用来分析基金经理的业务表现。e.g. The country's benchmark bond,···
Portfolio Manager
The person or persons responsible for investing a mutual, exchange-traded or closed-end fund's assets, implementing its investment strategy and managing the da···
Manager Universe (Benchmark)
The comparison of an account's performance to that of a representative peer group of money managers. This is used when analyzing the performance of a money man···
Fund Manager
The person(s) resposible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trading activities. A fund can be managed by one person, by tw···
Manager Of Managers - MOM
A class of financial intermediary that hires professional investment managers to oversee aspects of a client's investment fund. More specifically, the MOM trac···
Investment Manager
A person or organization that makes investments in portfolios of securities on behalf of clients, in accordance with the investment objectives and parameters d···
Lead Manager/Underwriter/Bulge Bracket
英文名称:Lead Manager/Underwriter/Bulge Bracket eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 中文名称:主承销商 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5···
Placed In Service
The point in time when an asset that can be depreciated is first placed in use. The date the asset is placed in service marks the beginning of the depreciation···
economic service
financial service
Purchased Service
The additional amount of service years that Canadian pensioners can purchase to go towards their pension account. Pensioners may purchase additional service ti···
Service Shares
Mutual fund units that charge service fees to their shareholders. The purpose of these fees is to compensate individuals who answer investor inquiries and prov···
Personal-Service Activity
Any business enterprise with the primary purpose of providing personal services. Personal-service activities encompass a wide range of professions, including l···