
  • 香烟的危害有什么?电子烟对身体有没有危害?

      香烟的危害有什么?电子烟对身体有没有危害?  第一点,吸烟导致血栓形成,并导致各种心脏病  吸入香烟中的一氧化碳会降低血液吸收氧气的能力。尼古丁可使···

    2021-08-27 05:28:13
  • Double Exponential Moving Average - DEMA

    A technical indicator developed by Patrick Mulloy that first appeared in the February, 1994 Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. The DEMA is a calculati···

    2022-01-05 14:55:09
  • Double Top

    A term used in technical analysis to describe the rise of a stock, a drop, another rise to the same level as the original rise, and finally another drop. The···

    2022-01-05 14:55:11
  • Double Top And Bottom

    Chart patterns in which the quote for the underlying investment moves in a similar pattern to the letter "W" (double bottom) or "M" (double top). Double top an···

    2022-01-05 14:55:13
  • Double Witching

    英文名称:Double Witching 中文名称:双巫日/双约同时到期指股价指数期货合约、股价指数期权及个股期权这三种合约中的两种同时到期。Similar to triple witching, but instead···

    2022-01-05 14:00:09
  • Double Bottom

    A charting pattern used in technical analysis. It describes the drop of a stock (or index), a rebound, another drop to the same (or similar) level as the origi···

    2022-01-05 14:55:19
  • Double Dip Recession

    英文名称:Double Dip Recession 中文名称:双谷经济衰退指国内生产总值处于负增长状态时,经过一或两个季度的短暂增长后再度出现负增长。e.g. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneap···

    2022-01-05 14:00:24
  • Double No-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor an agreed upon payout if the price of the underlying asset does not reach or surpass one of two predetermined ba···

    2022-01-05 15:43:16
  • double- digit inflation


    2022-01-05 12:50:20
  • Double One-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor an agreed upon payout if the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses one of two predetermined barrier···

    2022-01-05 15:43:27
  • Double Dip

    英文名称:Double Dip 中文名称:二度衰退/双底衰退指经济陷入衰退、复苏不久再次陷入衰退的现象。···

    2022-01-05 13:22:29
  • Double Up

    An investing strategy in which a trader doubles his or her current position in an asset when an adverse price movement occurs. By doubling the risk, the trader···

    2022-01-05 16:33:13
  • Double Auction

    英文名称:Double Auction 中文名称:双向报价拍卖/复式拍卖众多买方和卖方提交他们愿意购买或出售某项物品的价格,然后通过电脑迅速进行处理,并且就各方出价予以配对。股票市场便···

    2022-01-05 14:01:27
  • Double Taxing

    A tax law that causes the same earnings to be subjected to taxation twice. A company's income is taxed initially and then the shareholders and investors are ta···

    2022-01-05 15:02:42
  • Double Taxation

    A taxation principle referring to income taxes that are paid twice on the same source of earned income.Double taxation occurs because corporations are consider···

    2022-01-05 15:02:48