
  • efficient

    adj. 收效大的;效率高的···

    2022-03-28 15:44:56
  • Tax-Efficient Fund

    A mutual fund in which structure and operations are based on reducing the tax liability that its shareholders face. Reducing the tax liability of a fund is don···

    2022-01-05 14:23:58
  • Efficient Market Hypothesis

    英文名称:Efficient Market Hypothesis 中文名称:有效市场理论/有效市场假说一种针对股票市场的理论,认为市场上的股票价格能够直接体现所有影响股票价格的因素。···

    2022-01-05 13:31:35
  • Efficient Frontier

    A line created from the risk-reward graph, comprised of optimal portfolios. Taobiz explains Efficient FrontierThe optimal portfolios plotted along the curve ha···

    2022-01-05 16:31:24
  • Efficient Market Hypothesis - EMH

    英文名称:Efficient Market Hypothesis 中文名称:有效市场理论/有效市场假说一种针对股票市场的理论,认为市场上的股票价格能够直接体现所有影响股票价格的因素。因而,根据市场···

    2022-01-05 13:59:31