adj. 等价的;同解的\\nn. 当量;相等物···
Equivalent Taxable Yield
英文名称:Equivalent Taxable Yield 中文名称:赋税等值收益率/当量应税收益率指通过比较免税利息收入和其他应税投资的税后收入所得出的收益率。···
Annual Equivalent Rate - AER
Interest that is calculated under the assumption that any interest paid is combined with the original balance and the next interest payment will be based on th···
Tax-Equivalent Yield
The pretax yield that a taxable bond needs to possess for its yield to be equal to that of a tax-free municipal bond. This calculation can be used to fairly co···
Coupon Equivalent Rate - CER
A alternative calculation of coupon rate used to compare zero-coupon and coupon fixed-income securities. Formula: |||Because the quoted rate of bonds is calcul···
Coupon Equivalent Yield - CEY
A method of calculation used to calculate the yield on bonds with maturities of less than one year and which normally sell at a discount and do not pay coupons···
Bond Equivalent Yield - BEY
A calculation for restating semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly discount-bond or note yields into an annual yield. For a fixed income security with a par value···