
  • event

    n. 结果···

    2022-03-26 00:14:44
  • Liquidity Event

    An event that allows initial investors in a company to cash out some or all of their ownership shares and is considered an exit strategy for an illiquid invest···

    2022-01-05 16:24:32
  • Event Risk

    1. The risk due to unforeseen events partaken by or associated with a company. 2. The risk associated with a changing portfolio value due to large swings in ma···

    2022-01-05 16:30:25
  • Triggering Event

    1. A tangible or intangible barrier or occurrence that, once breached or met, causes another event to occur. Triggering events are written into contracts to pr···

    2022-01-05 15:05:12
  • Event-Linked Bond

    A type of bond whose interest and principal payments are determined based on the non-occurrence of certain events, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, which ar···

    2022-01-05 16:00:48
  • Taxable Event

    Any event or transaction that results in a tax consequence for the party who executes the event. Common examples of taxable events for investors include receiv···

    2022-01-05 14:47:51
  • Disclosable Event

    A corporate event that is disclosed to shareholders. Securites law states that all material information be disclosed. When this occurs it is said to be a discl···

    2022-01-05 14:40:06
  • 不防水蜂窝活性炭商品报价动态(2022-07-16)

    生意社07月16日讯 交易商品牌/产地交货地最新报价不防水蜂窝活性炭 碘值600 10*10*5河南仟越星化工科技有限公司国产河南省/郑州市3900元/立方米不···

    2022-07-31 12:21:26
  • 防水无人机臻迪告诉你都能做什么?防水无人机原来这么多功能


    2021-08-31 00:35:09
  • 不防水蜂窝活性炭商品报价动态(2022-06-26)

    生意社06月26日讯 交易商品牌/产地交货地最新报价不防水蜂窝活性炭 碘值600 10*10*5河南仟越星化工科技有限公司国产河南省/郑州市3900元/立方米不···

    2022-07-02 02:05:09
  • 防水材料龙头股有哪些?相关公司一览


    2021-09-15 02:05:59
  • “防水茅”闪崩跌停!机构出货 传言中报业绩不达预期 公司回应


    2022-07-05 21:38:43
  • 防水蜂窝活性炭商品报价动态(2022-07-31)

    生意社07月31日讯 交易商品牌/产地交货地最新报价防水蜂窝活性炭 100*100*100河南正源净水材料有限公司正本净源河南省/郑州市1700元/立方米防水蜂···

    2022-08-22 06:53:21
  • 防水蜂窝活性炭商品报价动态(2022-05-29)

    生意社05月29日讯 交易商品牌/产地交货地最新报价防水蜂窝活性炭 碘值600 10*10*10河南凯捷水处理有限公司国产河南省/郑州市5500元/立方米河南仟···

    2022-05-30 16:08:35
  • 防水蜂窝活性炭商品报价动态(2022-05-21)

    生意社05月21日讯 交易商品牌/产地交货地最新报价防水蜂窝活性炭 碘值600 10*10*10河南仟越星化工科技有限公司国产河南省/郑州市4100元/立方米河···

    2022-05-23 09:53:35