
  • 表格法

    什么是表格法   表格法是进行偏差分析最常用的一种方法。它将项目编号、名称、各费用参数以及费用偏差数综合归纳人一张表格中,并且直接在表格中进行比较。由于各偏差参数···

    2022-03-01 19:18:10
  • 排序报酬法

    什么是排序报酬法   所谓排序报酬法,即把所有销售人员的报酬或工资各自固定,统计出当月各位销售员的销售额,最后按照第一名、第二名、第三名……的顺序发放工资[1]。  例···

    2022-02-06 10:34:32
  • 排序定级法

    什么是排序定级法  排序定级法又称排级法、工作排序法,是最原始也是最简单的方法,通常是以职务说明为基础,把全企业的所有职务通过逐一配对比较,按各职务对企业的相对价值或···

    2022-02-11 23:06:50
  • 排序法

    什么是排序法   排序法是指根据被评估员工的工作绩效进行比较,从而确定每一员工的相对等级或名次。等级或名次可从优至劣或由劣到优排列。比较标准可根据员工绩效的某一···

    2022-02-12 11:38:10
  • Over-The-Counter Exchange Of India - OTCEI

    An electronic stock exchange based in India that is comprised of small- and medium-sized firms looking to gain access to the capital markets. Like electronic e···

    2022-01-05 16:20:16
  • equilibrium real exchange rate


    2022-01-05 12:21:31
  • Australian Stock Exchange - ASX

    The stock exchange headquartered in Sydney, Australia. |||The ASX was formed in 1987 after six independent stock exchanges that operated in the state capital c···

    2022-01-05 15:31:47
  • New York Futures Exchange - NYFE

    A former subsidiary of the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). The New York Futures Exchange traded options and futures on the NYSE Composite Index. The NYCE was···

    2022-01-05 16:21:46
  • East Asian Stock Exchange Conference [EASEC]


    2022-01-05 12:13:13
  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange - CSE

    The Copenhagen Stock Exchange serves as Denmark's official market for securities. The CSE became a limited company in 1996 and lists shares, fixed income instr···

    2022-01-05 16:35:16
  • Dusseldorf Stock Exchange (DUS) .DU

    The Borse-Dusseldorf exchange is located in Dusseldorf, Germany. It provides information and consulting services in addition to functioning as an exchange. It···

    2022-01-05 15:16:33
  • Wellington Stock Exchange


    2022-01-05 12:35:54
  • Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Trading Centre


    2022-01-05 12:26:04
  • Cincinnati Stock Exchange - CSE

    A securities exchange formed in 1885 by a group of Cincinnati businessmen. The CSE's headquarters moved to Chicago in 1995, and in 2003 the CSE changed its nam···

    2022-01-05 16:36:36
  • European Options Exchange [Amsterdam]


    2022-01-05 12:06:44