
  • 搭配增资

    什么是搭配增资   搭配增资又称为“有偿与无偿并行增资”,是指股份公司向原股东分摊新股时,仅让股东支付发行价格的一部分就可获得一定数额股票的方式。   该发行方式是···

    2021-12-27 23:21:52
  • Analyst Expectation

    A report issued by an individual analyst, investment bank or financial services company indicating how a particular company's stock will perform in the coming···

    2022-01-05 14:46:20
  • Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis

    A hypothesis stating that individuals make investment decisions based on the direction of recent historical data, such as past inflation rates, and adjust the···

    2022-01-05 16:07:07
  • Street Expectation

    The average earnings estimates made by brokers and securities analysts. Also known as the "market consensus" or "earnings expectations". Taobiz explains Street···

    2022-01-05 16:11:51