
  • Extraordinary General Meeting - EGM

    A meeting other than the annual general meeting between a company's shareholders, executives and any other members. An EGM is usually called on short notice an···

    2022-01-05 16:29:44
  • Extraordinary Redemption

    A provision which gives a bond issuer the right to call the bonds due to a one-time occurrence, as specified in the offering statement. The circumstances could···

    2022-01-05 16:00:34
  • Extraordinary Item

    英文名称:Extraordinary Item 中文名称:非经常性项目/特别项目指本期已经发生,但对将来是否重复发生不能作出合理预期的事项(非经常事件),例如资产处置与股权转让等···

    2022-01-05 13:43:09