
  • Capital Equipment

    英文名称:Capital Equipment 中文名称:资本设备用于生产商品或提供服务,或用于销售、存储和运输商品的设备。资本设备的使用寿命较长,一般视为固定资产。···

    2022-01-05 13:53:28
  • equipment

    n. 才能;配备···

    2022-03-26 09:44:47
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer - OEM

    1. The original definition: a company whose products are used as components in another company's product. The OEM will generally work closely with the company···

    2022-01-05 15:21:36
  • Equipment Trust Certificate

    A debt instrument that allows a company to take possession of an asset and pay for it over time. The debt issue is secured by the equipment or physical assets,···

    2022-01-05 16:00:59
  • banking facility


    2022-01-05 12:32:22
  • facility

    n. 容易;设备;技能···

    2022-03-22 20:04:28
  • facility letter


    2022-01-04 18:22:09
  • Committed Facility

    A credit facility whereby terms and conditions are clearly defined by the lending institution and imposed upon the borrowing company. |||In committed facilitie···

    2022-01-05 16:03:47
  • Facility Fee

    英文名称:Facility Fee 中文名称:贷款安排费即借款人支付给贷款人用于筹备贷款的费用。···

    2022-01-05 13:34:09
  • Back-up Facility

    英文名称:Back-up Facility中文名称:备用信贷 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 商业票据发行人与银行签署的短期借款协议,包括备用信用证、贷款承诺和贷款意···

    2022-01-05 13:59:21
  • Uncommitted Facility

    A credit facility with no restrictions placed upon the lending institution regarding the amount of funds to be lent. |||Under this arrangement, the lending ins···

    2022-01-05 15:48:11
  • T+0和T+1是指什么?T+0和T+1的区别


    2022-03-09 23:51:02
  • 4月份CPI和PPI同比分别上涨2.1%和8.0% 通胀整体温和可控


    2022-05-12 00:51:40
  • 300397天和防务涨停原因,公司降低股权质押率


    2021-08-30 06:20:02
  • Grateful Dead和Nike联手打造了三款运动鞋

    这里有一些运动鞋绝对可以帮助您继续前进。Grateful Dead和Nike联手打造了三款运动鞋,上面印有湾区乐队的跳舞熊角色和其他乐队肖像。Nike SB Dunk Low Grateful Dead运动鞋···

    2021-08-21 08:09:14