v. 流出;流···
capital flow
Net Cash Flow
英文名称:Net Cash Flow 中文名称:现金流量净值/净现金流量现金流量表中的一项指标,指一段时期内现金流入量和现金流出量之差。e.g. Good net cash flow of EUR 1···
Cash Flow After Tax
英文名称:Cash Flow After Tax中文名称:税后现金流 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 企业除税后的现金流,计算方法为:净收入+税款+折旧。 eb1619e81e59668d2db80···
Fund Flow
The net of all cash inflows and outflows in and out of various financial assets. Fund flow is usually measured on a monthly or quarterly basis. The performance···
Money Flow
Calculated by averaging the high, low, and closing prices, and multiplying by the daily volume. Comparing that result with the number for the previous day tell···
Flow Of Funds - FOF
A set of accounts that is used to follow the flow of money within various sectors of an economy. Specifically, the account analyzes economic data on borrowing,···
Cash Flow
1. A revenue or expense stream that changes a cash account over a given period. Cash inflows usually arise from one of three activities - financing, operations···
Flow-Through Entity
A legal business entity that passes income on to the owners and/or investors. Flow-through entities are a common device used to limit taxation by avoiding doub···
commodity flow method
cash flow lending
cash flow statement
cash flow surplus
Sales to Cash Flow Ratio
英文名称:Sales to Cash Flow Ratio 中文名称:销售额与现金流比率衡量公司销售额相对现金流表现的比率,该比率越高表示公司业绩状况越好。计算方式:销售额与现金···