
  • Greater Fool Theory

    A theory that states it is possible to make money by buying securities, whether overvalued or not, and later selling them at a profit because there will always···

    2022-01-05 16:27:57
  • Fool In The Shower

    The notion that changes or policies designed to alter the course of the economy should be done slowly, rather than all at once. This phrase describes a scenari···

    2022-01-05 14:38:35
  • Fool's Gold

    A gold-colored mineral that is often mistaken for real gold. Also known as Iron Pyrite. During historical periods of gold rushes, many less-than-knowledgeable···

    2022-01-05 14:38:43
  • fool

    n. 蠢人;弄臣\\nv. 愚弄;玩弄···

    2022-03-21 14:54:48