Forward Forward
An agreement between two parties to engage in a loan transaction in the future. The lender agrees to lend the borrower funds on a specified future date. The bo···
Forward Looking
A business slang term for predictions about future business conditions. Stockholders often ask company management about what they believe will happen in future···
adj. 热心的;早的\\nadv. 提前地;向前\\nn. 前锋\\nv. 促进;发送···
Short forward
forward exchange rate
Forward Looking Earnings
英文名称:Forward Looking Earnings 中文名称:预见性盈利由公司或分析人员预测、估算出来的盈利水平。主要用于计算市盈率,此数据并不是当期盈利。···
Forward Market
英文名称:Forward Market 中文名称:远期市场指提供远期合约实现交易的市场。e.g. The acquisition is expected to form a \\"long term strategy to economical···
FRA(Forward Rate Agreement)
英文名称:FRA(Forward Rate Agreement) 中文名称:远期利率协议远期合约的一种。在合约开始之先,买卖双方会定下一(固定)协议利率,然后再根据合约期满时的(浮动)参照利率···
Forward Integration
英文名称:Forward Integration 中文名称:前向整合公司业务从产业链的上游向下游扩展的一种商业策略,包括产品的直接分销管理等,是纵向整合的一种形式,与后向整合(ba···
Forward Rate
英文名称:Forward Rate 中文名称:远期利率指当前确定的未来某段时间内使用资金的成本,可由当前的利率曲线计算得到。···
Forward Price
英文名称:Forward Price 中文名称:远期价格指在远期合约中约定的价格,该价格在确定的时候通常会以同期限期货价格为参考进行商定。但与期货价格不同的是,远期合同···
Roll Forward
When an investor replaces an old options position with a new one having a later expiration date (and same strike price). This is sometimes referred to as a rol···
Forward Swap
A swap agreement created through the synthesis of two swaps differing in duration for the purpose of fulfilling the specific time-frame needs of an investor. A···
Forward Averaging
Treating lump-sum retirement-plan distributions as if they occurred over a five- or ten-year period. Forward averaging is available only to qualified plan part···
Forward Pricing
A Securities and Exchange Commission regulation that requires that investment companies price all of their buy and sell orders of fund shares according to the···