
  • Fuel Tax Credit

    A federal subsidy that allows businesses to reduce their taxable income dollar for dollar based on specific types of fuel costs. There are several types of fue···

    2022-01-05 15:02:03
  • fuel

    n. 燃料;食物\\nv. 激起;加燃料···

    2022-03-20 11:34:22
  • distillate fuel

    Distillate fuel: 馏出燃料 Distillate fuel表示“馏出燃料”,如民用燃料油和柴油。Distillate有“蒸馏液;馏出物;浓缩物;精华”等含义,例如:the distillate of wisdom(智慧的结晶···

    2022-03-13 14:34:18