
  • clients fund


    2022-01-05 12:43:43
  • Captive Fund

    A fund that provides investment services solely to the one firm holding ownership. A captive fund can also refer to a type of fund where most of the capital is···

    2022-01-05 14:28:24
  • Debt Fund

    An investment pool, such as a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund, in which core holdings are fixed income investments. A debt fund may invest in short-term or···

    2022-01-05 16:02:13
  • compensation fund


    2022-01-05 12:07:22
  • Capped Fund

    A mutual fund that has a limited amount of operating expenses that can be charged annually to shareholders. The limit is expressed as a ratio of total operatin···

    2022-01-05 14:28:34
  • Municipal Bond Fund

    A mutual fund that invests in municipal bonds, or "munis." Municipal bonds are debt securities issued by a state, municipality, county, or special purpose dist···

    2022-01-05 15:54:46
  • common fund


    2022-01-05 12:43:54
  • Umbrella Fund

    英文名称:Umbrella Fund 中文名称:伞型基金又称“伞型结构基金”,实质是开放式基金的一种组织结构。指基金发起人根据一份总的基金招募书,设立母基金,并下设多只独···

    2022-01-05 13:29:44
  • All-Cap Fund

    A stock mutual fund that invests in equity securities without regard to whether a company is characterized as small, medium or large. The term "cap" is shortha···

    2022-01-05 14:28:43
  • Publicly Traded Fund

    英文名称:Publicly Traded Fund中文名称:公开交易式基金指具有限定的发行总额,在发行后的一定时期内不能增发或赎回的基金,又称为封闭式基金。封闭式基金可在交易所上市,其买卖···

    2022-01-05 13:03:46
  • FOF(Fund of Funds)

    FOF(Fund of Funds) 基金的基金,一种以各类基金为投资对象的理财产品。···

    2021-10-13 04:55:43
  • capital fund


    2022-01-05 10:16:44
  • All Weather Fund

    A mutual fund that tends to perform reasonably well during both favorable and unfavorable economic and market conditions. This type of investment result is ac···

    2022-01-05 14:28:48
  • 130/30 Mutual Fund

    A mutual fund that has long positions and short positions in its portfolio. Specifically, in a 130/30 mutual fund, the fund is long 100% of its assets, and in···

    2022-01-05 14:28:50
  • Vice Fund

    A mutual fund that invests in gaming, such as casino operators and gaming equipment, alcohol, tobacco and aerospace/defense sectors. The fund invests in both d···

    2022-01-05 16:08:25