
  • Eat Well, Sleep Well

    An adage that, referring to the risk/return trade-off, says that the type of security an investor chooses depends on whether he or she wants to eat well or sle···

    2022-01-05 14:39:31
  • 2B法则是什么意思?K线中的2B法则


    2021-10-29 02:23:05
  • K线的规律是怎样的?K线的规律分析


    2022-04-29 23:11:02
  • Well-diversified Portfolio

    英文名称:Well-diversified Portfolio中文名称:充分分散化投资组合 指投资者在构建证券投资组合时,所选证券的数量众多,且类型、特性多种多样,以实现平衡收益和风险的目的,充分分···

    2022-01-05 12:54:15
  • 10变5 湖南国企改革快马加鞭

      国有企业的强强联合,可以进一步推动大型地方国有企业集团承担地方经济建设主力军的作用   距离我国国企改···

    2022-07-25 20:27:37
  • T+0变T+1 快赎金额下调!多家银行调整现金管理类产品规则

      现金管理类产品加速整改。  近日,多家银行发布公告称,将对旗下现金管理类产品的申赎确认时效、快赎金额等规···

    2022-07-29 00:17:27
  • “3楼变到20楼”:ST曙光临时股东大会争议不断 两强相斗股价连创新低

      原标题:“3楼变到20楼”,ST曙光临时股东大会争议不断,两强相斗股价连创新低  记者|赵阳戈  ST曙光(600303.SH)股东和管理层之间的矛盾愈演愈烈。  继5月6日ST曙光披露,···

    2022-05-10 21:58:18
  • 10变5!湖南省属国企重组大动作


    2022-07-20 17:22:13
  • T+0变T+1!快赎金额降至1万!又有银行调整现金理财产品申赎规则


    2022-07-16 22:56:14
  • Good for Amount

    英文名称:Good for Amount中文名称:流动性限额···

    2022-01-05 13:03:13
  • Good 'Til Canceled - GTC

    An order to buy or sell a security at a set price that is active until the investor decides to cancel it or the trade is executed. If an order does not have a···

    2022-01-05 15:25:46
  • Good This Month - GTM

    A limit order placed with a broker that will last until the end of the current month. |||If the order is not filled before the end of the month, it will expire···

    2022-01-05 15:25:52
  • Good This Week - GTW

    A market order that is only valid in the week of its placement. If the order is not filled during the week of issue, it will be canceled. A GTW order is only a···

    2022-01-05 16:27:49
  • Too Good To Go与bp的合作伙伴关系在全国范围内展开

    bp 已成为最新一家通过全球最大的食物垃圾应用程序“Too Good To Go”完成全国推广的前院零售商。2020 年 8 月在苏格兰和埃塞克斯启动了初步试点后,剩余食品应用···

    2021-08-29 23:48:02
  • Good Through

    An order to buy or sell a security or commodity at a certain price for a certain period of time, unless it is canceled or changed. Good through is a type of li···

    2022-01-05 15:16:10