
  • 翻译公司在金融翻译中的注意事项有哪些?


    2021-08-16 21:49:25
  • 翻译君怎么翻译图片?


    2022-02-23 22:39:03
  • AI翻译传递冬奥温度:助推信息沟通无障碍

      每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。   1932年洛杉矶奥···

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  • 期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?


    2021-11-01 05:44:47
  • 翻译君怎么开免流?


    2022-02-23 21:39:03
  • Bird In Hand

    A theory that postulates that investors prefer dividends from a stock to potential capital gains because of the inherent uncertainty of the latter. Based on th···

    2022-01-05 16:38:33
  • upper hand

    upper hand 基本释义 同近义词 n. 优势,上风 n. 优势,上风superiority , advantage , edge , dominance , predominance 英英释义 优势 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2) ...···

    2022-04-11 06:24:33
  • Left-Hand Side

    The bid side in a two-way price quote. A two-way price quote denotes both the bid price and the ask price of a security. The left-hand side or bid indicates th···

    2022-01-05 15:39:02
  • cash in hand


    2022-01-05 12:40:24
  • Right Hand Side - RHS

    The ask or offer price of a foreign exchange rate. A quote for foreign exchange appears as two prices (known as the bid/ask spread); for example, 1.2591 - 1.35···

    2022-01-05 15:35:32
  • Dead Hand Provision

    A stipulation on a defense mechanism (or poison pill) used by companies in order to protect against a merger or takeover by another company. The dead hand prov···

    2022-01-05 14:40:10
  • 中文传媒:公司充裕现金来自长期稳定的主营业务


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  • 中文在线推出数字藏品平台“第五境面”


    2022-05-29 19:27:10
  • 中文在线(sz300364)

    公司名称: 中文在线数字出版集团股份有限公司 公司英文名称: COL Digital Pu···

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  • 中文在线:星偶时代为公司参投公司 据了解 目前暂未涉及游戏业务


    2022-04-26 17:25:58