
  • 默认期货佣金很贵该怎样解决?这种方法学起来


    2021-09-03 18:30:21
  • 属性!真正的高手不抢反弹

      属性!真正的高手不抢反弹。下面万洲财经的小编为您整理介绍属性!真正的高手不抢反弹。\\r\\n  其一,你不知道反弹的属性。\\r\\n  其二,你不知道反弹时盘口的随机温度。\\r\\n···

    2021-10-17 09:28:17
  • TOC属性凸显的细分高增赛道行业专题研究:分布式光伏


    2022-03-10 10:08:32
  • 属性抽查法

    性抽查法(Attribute Sampling Method) 什么是属性抽查法  属性抽查法是以测定总体质量特征为基本目标的统计抽查法。   在查账工作中,属性抽查法用于测定被审查总体的质量···

    2022-01-20 18:02:45
  • 属性抽样

    一、含义  根据控制测试的目的和特点所采用的审计抽样通常称为属性抽样,其目的在于估计总体既定控制的偏差率或偏差次数。二、属性抽样涉及的几个重要概念  (一)属性,是指···

    2022-01-11 14:07:09
  • Position

    英文名称:Position 中文名称:头寸/投资持有量/持仓量投资者或经纪人拥有(买空)或借入(卖空)证券的数量。···

    2022-01-05 13:53:49
  • close a position


    2022-01-05 12:33:22
  • Position Limit

    英文名称:Position Limit 中文名称:交易头寸限制指为进行风险控制而规定的单个交易员、一组交易员或一个交易室可以持有的最大持仓量。这种限制可以涵盖任何金···

    2022-01-05 13:30:56
  • financial position


    2022-01-05 12:39:17
  • Bear Position

    Alternate term for a short position in a financial security. A bear position attempts to profit in a market by betting that prices will fall for certain securi···

    2022-01-05 16:39:19
  • Taking a Position

    英文名称:Taking a Position 中文名称:建立头寸/仓位买进或卖出之前未持有的某种金融产品。···

    2022-01-05 13:23:27
  • Position Trader

    A type of stock trader who holds a position for the long term (from months to years). Long-term traders are not concerned with short-term fluctuations because···

    2022-01-05 15:14:44
  • Naked Position

    A securities position that is not hedged from market risk. Both the potential gain and the potential risk are greater when a position is naked instead of cover···

    2022-01-05 16:22:07
  • Position Sizing

    The dollar value being invested into a particular security by an investor. An investor's account size and risk tolerance should be taken into account when dete···

    2022-01-05 15:15:08
  • Close Position

    英文名称:Close Position 中文名称:平仓通过一笔数量相等、方向相反的交易来冲销原来的头寸。e.g. But best to close position nowThe act of taking the opposite position···

    2022-01-05 14:02:38