
  • Canadian Investor Protection Fund - CIPF

    A Canadian not-for-profit organization set up by the investment industry designed to protect investors from the bankruptcy of an individual investment firm.Acc···

    2022-01-05 15:30:42
  • Crossover Investor

    An investor who invests prior to, during and following a company's initial public offering. This investment strategy aims to increase returns by investing in a···

    2022-01-05 14:40:30
  • Angel Investor

    英文名称:Angel Investor 中文名称:天使投资者指对原创项目构思或小型初创企业进行一次性前期投资的自由投资者或非正式风险投资机构。···

    2022-01-05 14:06:34
  • end investor


    2022-01-05 12:14:06
  • IRM(Investor Relations Management)

    英文名称:IRM(Investor Relations Management) 中文名称:投资者关系管理有时简称为投资者关系(Investor Relations),指运用财经传播和营销的原理,通过管理公司同财经···

    2022-01-05 13:33:03
  • Securities Investor Protection Corporation - SIPC

    A nonprofit corporation created by an act of Congress to protect the clients of brokerage firms that are forced into bankruptcy. Members to the SIPC include al···

    2022-01-05 14:09:40
  • Activist Investor

    An individual or group that purchases large numbers of a public company’s shares and/or tries to obtain seats on the company’s board with the goal···

    2022-01-05 16:41:10
  • Investor Shares

    Mutual fund shares purchased by individual investors as opposed to institutional shareholders. In general, the amount invested in the fund is what distinguishe···

    2022-01-05 14:26:18
  • Prudent Investor Act

    A U.S. law that sets the standard of fiduciary duty for those entrusted with the responsibility of managing others' money, such as trustees and estate administ···

    2022-01-05 14:32:40
  • Investor Relations - IR

    A department, present in most medium to large public companies, that provides investors with an accurate account of the company's affairs. This helps investors···

    2022-01-05 15:23:47
  • Retail Investor

    英文名称:Retail Investor 中文名称:零售投资者指进行股票、期货等金融产品投资活动的散户或个人投资者。···

    2022-01-05 13:44:28
  • 品牌、营销等持续发力 法狮龙2022年上半年营收逆势同比增长43.24%


    2022-08-18 07:38:54
  • “品牌方执意要求” 高端甜品品牌LADY M将关店

      7月21日,高端甜品品牌LADY M中国内地运营方上海牧薪餐饮管理有限公司发布公告称,应品牌方要求,LADY M中国内地···

    2022-07-21 20:27:00
  • 品牌退出

    品牌退出 品牌退出指品牌已处于生命周期的晚期,不能在为企业增值,则企业放弃该品牌并使其退出市场的行为。 品牌退出主要的原因   品牌资产的来源枯竭,企业很难对品牌建···

    2022-02-22 10:38:52
  • 52个品牌、100多款车型优惠购 2022年全国新能源汽车下乡活动在昆山启动


    2022-06-17 20:29:12