
  • Tax Break

    A tax break is a savings on a taxpayer's liability. A tax break provides a savings through tax deductions, tax credits, tax exemptions and other incentives. An···

    2022-01-05 14:49:09
  • Buy Break

    A type of recommendation to buy an asset once the price is able to surpass an influential level of resistance. A move above resistance is used as a buy signal···

    2022-01-05 16:37:42
  • BEP(Break Even Point)

    英文名称:BEP(Break Even Point) 中文名称:收支平衡点通常指收入和损失的平衡点。在交易方面指现有的头寸不亏损也不获利。在公司财务方面指总收入恰好被固定和可···

    2022-01-05 13:57:25
  • Failed Break

    A price movement through an identified level of support or resistance that does not have enough momentum to maintain its direction. Since the validity of the b···

    2022-01-05 14:55:16
  • Break Issue

    A type of stock initial public offering (IPO) that trades below the original offering price to the market within the first few months after trading begins. A b···

    2022-01-05 16:38:06
  • java程序员工资一般多少钱 具体情况具体分析

    作为现在市场上需求最大的编程语言,很多人都想做一个java工程师,那么java程序员的工资一般有多少钱呢?这篇文章就跟大家聊聊这个话题! 据有关数据显示,我国对软件人···

    2021-08-20 03:52:31
  • C#从Java继承而来的特点


    2021-08-27 10:27:40
  • JAVA手机游戏开发工程师

    职位解析 由于JAVA语言对平台的无关性和J2ME的高效成熟,JAVA被部署在绝大多数市面常用手机设备上,基于JAVA语言开发手机游戏的技术人员被称为JAVA手机游戏开发···

    2022-02-06 10:04:55
  • 学JAVA好吗?


    2022-04-10 04:59:02
  • 学Java就业前景怎么样?


    2022-04-10 05:04:02
  • NAV Return

    The change in the net asset value of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund over a given time period. The NAV return of an ETF or mutual fund can be diff···

    2022-01-05 14:25:25
  • Tax Return

    1. The tax form or forms used to file income taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Tax returns often are set up in a worksheet format, where the incom···

    2022-01-05 14:48:18
  • Return

    The gain or loss of a security in a particular period. The return consists of the income and the capital gains relative on an investment. It is usually quoted···

    2022-01-05 14:50:29
  • Mean Return

    1. In securities analysis, it is the expected value, or mean, of all the likely returns of investments comprising a portfolio. It is also known as "expected re···

    2022-01-05 16:23:27
  • financial return


    2022-01-05 02:27:14