
  • 股性和资金量


    2021-08-21 05:24:57
  • 有意思的时间轨道

    有意思的时间轨道? 由设计师Evan Yiwei Ma设计的一款简洁时尚的手表,一眼就能看出它独特的地方是手表中间为楼空,使得表盘成环状。你既可以把这款手表当着电子表也能当着指···

    2022-02-19 06:57:59
  • st啥意思,st股票的交易规则有哪些?

    股票市场有很多种分类,也有很多种股票,比如普通的a股和价格较低的st级加工股票。科技股因其较低的价格和较低的当日波动指数而受到投资者的青睐。 st啥···

    2021-08-27 15:30:03
  • USB-KEY数字证书

    USB-KEY数字证书 USB-KEY 中内置了智能芯片,并有专用安全区来保存证书私钥,USB-KEY证书私钥不能导出,因此备份的文件无法使用,其安全性···

    2021-11-13 20:05:14
  • Key Rate Duration

    Holding all other maturities constant, this measures the sensitivity of a security or the value of a portfolio to a 1% change in yield for a given maturity.The···

    2022-01-05 15:58:02
  • 优KEY

    优KEY “优KEY”是招商银行为提高网上个人银行的安全级别,采用精尖加密技术,运用在招商银行网上个人银行中的新型移动数字证书(即数字···

    2021-11-09 15:35:34
  • Key Currency

    The currency used as a reference in an international transaction or when setting an exchange rate. The key currency used is usually issued by a stable, develop···

    2022-01-05 15:39:25
  • Key Performance Indicators - KPI

    A set of quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their strategic and operational goals. KPIs···

    2022-01-05 16:25:18