Tax Liability
The total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to an authority as the result of the occurrence of a taxable event. Tax liability can be cal···
Unlimited Liability
英文名称:Unlimited Liability 中文名称:无限责任无限责任与有限责任(limited liability)相对。在一个有限责任的公司或合伙企业中,股东或合伙人以其所投入的资本···
Liability Management
英文名称:Liability Management 中文名称:负债管理指为保持资产流动性,银行从事的各项活动的总称,包括组织存款、处理与存款客户的债权债务关系,保持负债结构的合···
Limited Liability
英文名称:Limited Liability 中文名称:有限责任指投资人只承担不超过其对公司最初投资额的责任。有限责任制下至少包括一个主要合伙人,他将承担无限责任,其他合伙···
Absolute Liability
英文名称:Absolute Liability 中文名称:绝对责任指不管任何情况,当事人都必须承担的直接赔偿责任。···
Liability Matching
An increasingly popular investment strategy that attempts to time future assets sales and income streams to match against expected future expenses. The strateg···
Unlimited Liability Corporation - ULC
A corporate structure that permits a company to be incorporated and flow all profits and losses to shareholders. An unlimited liability corporation (ULC) shelt···
Limited Liability Company - LLC
A corporate structure whereby the shareholders of the company have a limited liability to the company's actions. |||Basically, an LLC is a hybrid between a par···
Liability Driven Investment - LDI
A form of investing in which the main goal is to gain sufficient assets to meet all liabilities, both current and future. This form of investing is most promin···
Asset-liability Management
英文名称:Asset-liability Management 中文名称:资产负债管理反映企业利用借贷资金从事经营活动能力的指标。资产负债率=(企业负债总额/企业资产总额)*100%,如果资产···
Asset-Liability Committee - ALCO
A risk-management committee in a bank or other lending institution that generally comprises the senior-management levels of the institution. The ALCO's primary···
a股包括哪些股票 a股是什么意思
说起我国股市的时候,大家说的最多的就是A股,但是很多投资者因为不熟悉这方面的知识,所以不知道a股到底是什么,代表哪些股票,下面来看看a股的相关介绍。 a股包括哪些股票···