
  • 英语培训市场简要剖析,英语培训目前发展方向在哪里?


    2021-08-21 22:28:05
  • 期货 英语,炒外汇 日内交易 选择哪几种技术指标配合 最有效? 谢谢 求解


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  • 期权 英语,做恒指期货有哪些优势?


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  • 英语培训巨头没落:以相亲之名打擦边球招生


    2022-06-13 18:37:59
  • 英语教学应该减少还是优化?


    2022-10-08 12:52:06
  • No-load

    英文名称:No-load 中文名称:免佣金/无费用指不收取佣金。e.g. From their suggestions, we chose five no-load stock funds with proven records and low costs···

    2022-01-05 13:35:01
  • Load

    A sales charge or commission charged to an investor when buying or redeeming shares in a mutual fund. The fee may be a one-time charge at the time the investor···

    2022-01-05 14:26:10
  • Back-End Load

    英文名称:Back-end Load 中文名称:后端收费申购基金的申购费,不必在申购之时支付,而是在赎回时支付。由于收费行为在整个申购活动的末期进行,因此被称为后端收费。通常,基金持有···

    2022-01-05 14:03:52
  • No-Load Fund

    A mutual fund in which shares are sold without a commission or sales charge. The reason for this is that the shares are distributed directly by the investment···

    2022-01-05 14:25:28
  • Load Fund

    A mutual fund that comes with a sales charge or commission. The fund investor pays the load, which goes to compensate a sales intermediary (broker, financial p···

    2022-01-05 14:26:09
  • Level Load

    An annual charge deducted from an investor's mutual fund assets to pay for distribution and marketing costs for as long as the investor holds the fund. For the···

    2022-01-05 14:26:19
  • Hidden Load

    An undisclosed fee or sales charge, which is often hidden in the fine print of a fund's prospectus or in an insurance contract. In some cases, investors and cl···

    2022-01-05 14:27:09
  • Front-End Load

    A commission or sales charge applied at the time of the initial purchase for an investment, usually mutual funds and insurance policies. It is deducted from th···

    2022-01-05 14:27:17
  • Deferred Load

    A sales charge or fee that is assessed when an investor sells certain classes of fund shares before a specified date. Deferred loads usually run on a flat or s···

    2022-01-05 14:27:58
  • Debt Load

    The amount of debt or leverage that a company is carrying on its books. The amount of debt a firm is carrying can be found in the company's balance sheet, whic···

    2022-01-05 16:34:18