人数不设限!券商打响“抢人”大战 头部券商已提早下手
券商开年打响“抢人”大战!有直言人数不设限 头部券商已“瞄准”2023年毕业生 金融业的竞争本质···
Management Fee
A charge levied by an investment manager for managing an investment fund. The management fee is intended to compensate the managers for their time and expertis···
Buy-In Management Buyout - BIMBO
A form of a buyout that incorporates characteristics of both a management buyout and a management buy-in. A BIMBO occurs when existing management - along with···
Management Buy-In - MBI
A corporate action in which an outside manager or management team purchases an ownership stake in the first company and replaces the existing management team.···
financial management
financial management and budgeting system
Wealth Management
Liability Management
英文名称:Liability Management 中文名称:负债管理指为保持资产流动性,银行从事的各项活动的总称,包括组织存款、处理与存款客户的债权债务关系,保持负债结构的合···
Management Group
英文名称:Management Group 中文名称:承销小组一种金融机构,在证券发行的分销和定价时,与主承销商密切配合。···
MBO(Management Buyout)
英文名称:MBO(Management Buyout) 中文名称:管理层收购指公司管理层通过买断或控制公司股份的方式达到控制公司的目的,使公司的管理者同时成公司的所有者。···
Asset Management
英文名称:Asset Management 中文名称:资产管理对基金而言,资产净值代表基金投资的实际价值减去负债后的差值;对于企业而言,资产净值指企业资产与负债之差。···
Portfolio Management
The art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions,···
Open-End Management Company
A company that distributes and redeems securities it issues. The most common open-end management companies are mutual fund companies which sell and redeem shar···
Passive Management
A style of management associated with mutual and exchange-traded funds (ETF) where a fund's portfolio mirrors a market index. Passive management is the opposit···
Management Tenure
The length of time that a manager(s) has been at the helm of a mutual fund. A long-term fund performance record, preferably of five to 10 years, is a key indic···