Buy To Open
A term used by many brokerages to represent the opening of a long position in option transactions. Investor can buy to open either (or a combination of) puts o···
1. An unexecuted order that is still valid. 2. The start of trading on a securities exchange. Taobiz explains Open1. Orders that are entered by investors but n···
Open Outcry
英文名称:Open Outcry 中文名称:公开喊价公开喊价是指买卖双方聚集在交易大厅,通过互相叫喊进行报价,又称为双向拍卖。e.g. Total natural gas futures, via elec···
Open-end Credit
英文名称:Open-end Credit 中文名称:开放性信贷预先核准,可重复使用直至达到预定限额的贷款。···
Open Economy
英文名称:Open Economy 中文名称:开放经济同其他国家进行国际贸易的经济体系,国际贸易在国民经济中占重要地位,与封闭经济(closed economy)对应。···
Open Position
英文名称:Open Position 中文名称:未平仓头寸/持仓头寸指尚未对冲或交割的头寸,即持仓者承诺要买入或卖出某些未履约的商品,或买入或卖出没有相反方向相配的商品。···
open-end funds
开放式基金(open-end funds) 指基金规模不是固定不变的,而是可以随时根据市场供求情况发行新份额或被投资人赎回的投资基金。···
Open Interest
1. The total number of options and/or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day.2. The number of buy market orders before the stoc···
Open-End Fund
A type of mutual fund that does not have restrictions on the amount of shares the fund will issue. If demand is high enough, the fund will continue to issue sh···
Open-End Management Company
A company that distributes and redeems securities it issues. The most common open-end management companies are mutual fund companies which sell and redeem shar···
Open-End Lease
A rental agreement that obliges the lessee (the person making periodic lease payments) to make a baloon payment at the end of the lease agreement amounting to···
Open Kimono
To reveal what is being planned or to share important information freely. Similar to ''open the books'' or an "open door policy," opening the kimono means reve···
Wide Open
The situation at the opening of a trading day when there is a wide spread between the bid and ask prices for a security.This situation can arise because market···
Open-End Indenture
A clause in a revenue-bond agreement that permits the issuance of additional revenue bonds in the future, provided that the revenue of the previous year was su···
Sell To Open
A phrase used by many brokerages on the street to represent the opening of a short position in option transactions. Taobiz explains Sell To OpenAn investor can···