chargeable normal trading receipt
Normal Backwardation Theory
英文名称:Normal Backwardation Theory 中文名称:现货溢价理论凯恩斯1930年在《货币论》中提出的,也称为正常逆价理论,指期货价格低于预期的现货价格的理论。···
Normal Market
英文名称:Normal Market 中文名称:正向市场又叫正常市场,远期月份合约的价格高于近期月份合约价格的期货市场,或者期货价格高于现货价格。···
Normal Retirement Age - NRA
The age at which people can receive full benefits upon leaving the work force. In the United States, for example, the normal retirement age for receiving full···
Normal-Course Issuer Bid-NCIB
The action of a company buying back its own outstanding shares from the markets so it can cancel them. Taobiz explains Normal-Course Issuer Bid-NCIBT···
Normal Yield Curve
A yield curve in which short-term debt instruments have a lower yield than long-term debt instruments of the same credit quality. This gives the yield curve an···
Normal Market Size
A share classification structure based on the number of shares outstanding. This determines the number of shares that a market maker can trade at the quoted pr···